Chris Cloys - Owner, Craftsman

US Army Veteran

Science Teacher


Rocketry Enthusiast


A bit about KYILIN Woodwork

Many of the species of wood that I use come from regions in Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana over the last 15 years with more salvaged wood from here in Chattanooga recently.

All designs are unique. I make every item by hand, and no two are alike. Each item begins with my careful consideration of the unique and various qualities in the different species of wood. The majority of the timber used is salvaged from discarded timber, pieces that are left out for years, mill cast offs, and places that are discarding or selling stored timber.

As with all things natural and hand-made, there will be imperfections in the wood, which gives each piece its individuality. Some of the larger imperfections, such as knot holes and large cracks, are filled with epoxy. This gives them a distinct beauty along with the wood.

Thanks for exploring my work and please check in often for new items.